

Te Pahū Community Groups / Services:

  •  Justices of the Peace:
  • Te Pahū Hall Society:
    • President: Graeme Cairns  825 9933
    • Secretary: Kim McVinnie  hall at
    • Treasurer: Wayne Humphries 027 4747674; Wayne at
    • Hall Bookings:  Theresa Kewish 027-384 1396;
      email: bookings at
  • Ratepayers & Residents Assoc.:
  • Indoor Bowls:
    • Tuesday evenings 7:15 p.m. from 9th April until September. 
      A friendly local bowls club with a cup of tea or coffee at the end of the evening. Info Annual Membership: $10  Weekly Roll-Up : $2  
      Chair: Brian 027 433 155;   Secretary: Darrell 825 9096; Treasurer: Brett 027 221 0054
  • Table Tennis:
    • Steve Zanders 021 035 7226
  • Women’s Institute:
    • Sharin Tylee –  President  email. Phone 027 601 3576
    • Evelyn Hikuroa – Secretary.  E-Mail  Phone 021 235 6416
    •  Meet at Hall 1pm every 2nd Thursday of month
  • Garden Circle Group:
    • Maree Cochran 825 9015
  • Pilates:
    • Bronny Dorreen 07-872 8085


  •  Te Pahū Website:
      • Wayne Humphries  tepahu at